Volunteers Voucher Scheme Enquiry Page

Volunteers are the lifeblood of many a community, charity or social organisation. Whether it is supporting grass roots sports, working for health related charities or cleaning up the environment. We appreciate the time that volunteers give, and wanted to give something back to the volunteers. So we are launching the Volunteers Voucher Scheme.

This is not an EAP, Employees Assistant Program scheme. Those schemes are designed to address wellness in the workplace by structural changes (flexi-hours, WFH, feedback loops, more reviews) blended with some workshops and provision to discounted gyms – a typical type structure for a small/medium business. The focus is on the organisation with employees wellness is built into it.

Our approach, is support the individual first and then you can address structural issues and the effect of change is more profound as the individual gets a deeper level support that meets them where they are.

What Is The Volunteers Voucher Scheme?

We are launching a Pilot Scheme in Winter/Spring 24/25. If the scheme works well, we will consider running it out to more registered charities and charitable organisations.

For the pilot we are giving a small number of charities up a select number of vouchers each. Each voucher is to be made available to the volunteers of that charity. It enables those volunteers to sign up and gain access to this Wellness Health Spa for 3 months, with a full access. Your volunteers can access a wide range of resources, treatment rooms, professional coaches and training.

We also have a bespoke package, that gives a unique organisational login page, which gives 6 months trial access, for a discounted fee – see the note in the FAQ below.

If they are suffering from self-esteem, stress, anxiety, sleep conditions, inability to relax deeply, lack focus and concentration, or is they want motivation, to overcome procrastination, to develop emotional freedom, to build self confidence; they can. They can also access coaches and their own teaching, support and exercises. Broadly your volunteers can access four broad areas “Mindfulness”, “Nutrition & Exercise”, “Health, Beauty & Body Confidence” or “Life Planning & Goal Setting”.

Once a volunteer logs in, they have a full 3 month access and then the voucher and their ticket expires. During that time they can access Live Events, Workshops, pick Journey Planners and connect with others and make new friends, alongside all of the treatment rooms, such as Deep Meditation, Stress Detox, Life Planning, Beauty & Confidence, Nutrition & Exercise – in fact, so many room with general and specialist areas, you will be glad you will be amazed by the expertise inside. (During the trial period, some of these events may not be running).


We expect some will come in and focus on a particular area; however, it has been designed to take people on a journey. Starting with balancing mental health and getting a grounded base, they can then work on their physical health, personal appearance (incl: confidence, posture & style) through to goal setting and starting to achieve what you want.

Yes, we are happy to support charity volunteers from any country, as long as a basic criteria is met.

No, you will see a card screen initially, but when you put your voucher code in (supplied by your charity), it will vanish and you only need to put your login details in to gain access. We have a video showing this at the checkout for you – so you are walked through the process.

Your account will expire, so you won’t have any further access, your email does remain on our list just in case you want to stay updated as to workshops, webinars or unique training. You can join as a private member after or your charity may have additional tickets available after the scheme has rolled out.

No, there are no conditions, other than the standard T&C’s for membership (behavioural, legal etc). For our members, from time to time we ask them to do a social share of events, challenges or certain areas they found of great use. You will get these, but you are not obliged to do anything.

Other than those general terms that an organisation or user is required to follow; general ones about behaviour, decency and appropriate use of resources; there are two others for organistions with volunteers:

1. We will not accept all organisations, we have limitations on our capacity and number of places we can offer, so applications are not guarantees of acceptance or entrance.

2. We retain the right to refuse organisations who work in certain areas that we do not support as an organisation; any who deal with exploitation, illegal behviour, anti-social areas or activities that do not promote wellness and improvement of our environment, wildlife, resources, people and structures.

This is a discounted access for organisations who want to test out a new wellness scheme, it involves:

1. Creating a login scheme where they go to a bespoke page, not just for volunteers, but it represents your organisational branding within the Wellness Club.

2. It is open to ALL volunteers, executives, trustees and others who want to gain access; there is still a caveat on the amount of members during the trial phase.

3. Your branded own login area room is updated monthly, in conjunection with a key-contact at your organisation, to address any challenges, updates or other announcements.

There is:

A. Set-up fee up front to create the membership login area with your ‘branding’ in it to bring unity and identity for those logging in and to bring in your own unique welcome area to your members.

B. A monthly running fee. This covers ongoing updating of your area, feedback from your volunteers/members on ways support can be improved.

It also allows the chance for a smoother transition, if the trail period is successful, to an annual ongoing scheme for your organisation.

We have a walk through video that takes you through the process of signing up, how your members sign up, how you organise your members and what they can expect inside.

This is coming soon.

1. You send the form to us and we review it.
2. If we accept it we set up an application form that you fill in and it automates your membership and generates the entrance vouchers for your members, with a unique login page for them to use.
3. You pass this code and page to your members, as they login, you will see in your control area who has logged in and take up membership.
4. The first time you log in, you will go to your volunteers area with a getting started area; this teaches you how to use the site, how to use the training and insights for you to get started. You will also get a welcome email with follow up messages to help you settle down.
5. You and your members, each time you login will go to the volunteers reception area, or your unique bespoke page (if you take up that package). You can bypass the welcome area and move onto the volunteers area or go into the Wellness Health Spa for individual treatment, training or courses.

I would like to register my charity on the Pilot scheme, my details are:

You will get an email notification confirming your form submission in the next minute, if nothing arrives use the contact form link on the next page.